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In 1932, a generous gift from Margaret Shannon established Shannon West Texas Memorial Hospital. Since then, hundreds of thousands of individuals in the Concho Valley have benefited from the high-quality healthcare Shannon has provided. Mrs. Shannon couldn't have envisioned the complexities of modern healthcare. We can be sure that she would welcome and encourage others to give in order to continue the quality of healthcare she wished to provide.

Give Now

Annual Fund

In order to encourage charitable gifts so Shannon can continue to provide high-quality healthcare, we have established the Shannon Annual Fund. You can participate by allowing us the use of your gift where it is most needed. This would be an undesignated gift that is added to the current year's budget. The money is then used in the most needed area of the overall budget.

Suggested Annual Fund gift levels include:

  • Crystal Shamrock Society—total annual gift of $10,000 or more.
  • Legacy Circle—total annual gift of $5,000–$9,999.
  • Pioneer Circle—total annual gift of $1,000–$4,999.
  • Vision Club—total annual gift of $500–$999.
  • Stewardship Club—total annual gift of $250–$499.
  • Century Club—total annual gift of $100–$249.

Ways To Give

Click here for the Team Member charitable give form.

In addition to donating to the Annual Fund, your gift can also be directed to:

Children's Miracle Network

Children's Miracle Network provides funds to purchase equipment and support programs needed to deliver the highest quality of care possible to children who utilize the services of Shannon Medical Center and Shannon Clinic.

Our primary goal is to provide the services, equipment and training necessary so children and families can stay in San Angelo instead of travelling for treatment. One hundred percent of the money raised by the Children's Miracle Network at Shannon stays here and goes directly toward our "wish list" items to help provide continued quality healthcare for the 15,000+ children treated at Shannon each year.

Employee Benevolence Fund

The Employee Benevolence Fund provides assistance to Shannon associates who meet criteria by providing financial help (on a limited basis) for items such as rent, utility bills and other similar expenditures.

The Garden of Hope

The Garden of Hope is an outdoor space designed for cancer patients and their families. Located just outside of the Shannon Center Center, The Garden of Hope welcomes anyone whose life has been touched by the difficult test of cancer. It is a place where patients may rest and relax or choose to receive their therapy while being surrounded by nature. The garden provides a beautiful healing landscape for patients indoors as well, as they can enjoy its beauty from the large windows inside the oncology treatment room.

The Garden of Hope serves as a testament to our community's love for one another and a lasting contribution for individuals and families through gifts dedicated to those who have been touched by cancer. To provide patient and families with a place to find solace and serenity while creating an atmosphere of healing for the mind, body and spirit will always be the promise of The Garden of Hope.

Contributions may be made in honor of a loved one and are available at varying levels. For more information, please contact Hope Barron at 325.747.6162.

Gus Eckhardt Lectureship

The Gus Eckhardt Lectureship provides an annual lecture of superior medical continuing education for the medical caregivers of our community. Each year, the Gus Eckhardt Lectureship Series brings to San Angelo notable speakers to update and inform the medical community about a current and necessary topic.

Having this lecture in San Angelo provides an added benefit to the medical community, as they do not have to travel out of town for these continuing education hours.

Nurse Education Fund

The Nurse Education Fund provides education to all Shannon nursing staff members by bringing in notable speakers to update and inform the staff about current and necessary topics. Bringing a speaker to lecture in San Angelo provides an added benefit to the staff, as they do not have to travel out of town for these continuing education hours.

Oncology Angel Fund

The Oncology Angel Fund gives assistance to Shannon oncology patients who meet criteria for indigency by providing financial help for items such as medications for side effects not covered by insurance, accommodations for patients requiring overnight stay in San Angelo and other similar expenditures related to oncology treatment.

Patient Pharmaceutical Assistance

The Shannon Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (PAP) provides support to patients who are uninsured or who have no coverage in their insurance plan for medications. The program's goal is to provide qualified patients with medications needed at the lowest cost possible to help control chronic conditions so they may avoid future healthcare events and readmissions.

White Rose Garden

Honoring Someone Special

Your charitable gift to Shannon will honor someone special. We'll send a notice of your gift (but not the amount) to the person (or their family) you select. Numerous gifts are needed to continue the vision of Mrs. Shannon and to provide the healthcare needs of today. You can give in any manner you wish, including anonymously.

Other Ways to Support Shannon Health

You have a variety of ways to support Shannon, and each one offers you distinct advantages while you're supporting high-quality healthcare for the Concho Valley. We will be pleased to discuss in confidence any gift arrangement you want to make. Please contact the development office of Shannon Medical Center.

Gifts could include:

  • Life insurance—To qualify for a tax deduction for the gift of a life insurance policy, name Shannon as both owner and beneficiary.
  • Securities—You can give long-term appreciated stock to Shannon, deduct the fair market value as a charitable gift and bypass all capital gains taxes.
  • Real estate—Giving long-term appreciated property is similar to giving appreciated stock. You can deduct its fair market value as a charitable gift and bypass all capital gains taxes.
  • A bequest in your will—You can include a gift for Shannon in your will very easily—with just a sentence.

For more information, call our Fundraising and Development office at 325.747.6160.