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Shannon Sporting Clay Shoot 2025

Shannon Sporting Clay Shoot

Saturday, April 26, 2025

San Angelo Claybird Association

13525 Duncan Road, San Angelo, TX 76904

Register Here

Shannon is excited to host our 25th annual Sporting Clay Shoot in April. After 24 very successful years, the event is still one of the largest charity shoots in Texas attracting more than 400 shooters and 1,000 spectators and volunteers. Along with cooler temperatures, this year’s event will feature one shooting rotation on three different courses, silent and live auctions, amazing food and more. We will also have distancing measures and special precautions in place to maintain safety for all participants and volunteers.

Proceeds from this event will benefit programs at Shannon to enhance patient care, including: AirMed 1-regional outreach, Diabetes Management, Oncology Angel Fund, Patient Benevolence Fund, Care Coordination, and the Nurse Education program.

You can sign up as a team or an individual. It is a non-registered shoot and all ages and shooting abilities welcome. All participants will receive breakfast and lunch, swag bag, beverages after shooting is completed, and a chance to win one of more than 30 prizes that include guns and Visa gift cards.

For more information call:
Connie Whitman 325.234.9250 or Hope Barron 325.747.6160