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Neuro Rehabilitation

Shannon Neuro Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary team of occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech language pathologists who provide outpatient neuro therapy services within San Angelo.

Our team includes therapists with specialty certifications including:

  • Board Certified Clinic Specialists in Neurologic Physical Therapy
  • Certified Functional Vision Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Certified Lymphedema Therapist
  • Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute (PORi) Head and Neck Cancer Certified Therapist

Contact Us

Shannon Neuro Rehabilitation
3501 Executive Drive
San Angelo, TX 76904
325.747.8025 | 325.747.8021 (fax)
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Diagnoses Treated

  • Amputation of Lower Extremity
  • Aphasia
  • Cognitive Impairment
    • "Chemo" Brain/Fog
    • Dementia
    • Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • CIDP
  • Concussion
  • Dizziness/Vestibular
  • Dysphagia
  • General Balance
  • General Debilitation
  • Gullian-Barré Syndrome
  • Lymphedema
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Neuropathies of Lower Extremity and Upper Extremity
  • Oncology
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Neuropathies of eye, face, upper and lower extremities
  • Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Voice Therapy

Specialty Services

Augmentative and Alternative Communication or AAC

Augmentative and alternative communication or AAC devices are used by people who, some or all the time, cannot rely on their speech. AAC may include any existing speech or vocalizations, gestures, manual signs, and aided communication. Speech-generating devices are another modality which may be used to enhance and individual’s communication abilities. AAC devices are used to help persons with communication difficulties related to ALS, stroke, head injury or other neurological event. A Shannon Neuro Rehab speech-language pathologist will assess and make treatment recommendations to maximize communication for each patient.

Lymphedema Therapy

Lymphedemais a condition of abnormal swelling that can occur in any body part when the lymphatic system does not work properly. This can occur because of cancer, cancer treatment (radiation, surgical removal of lymph nodes), birth defects, surgery, trauma, etc.

Management/treatment is often conservative and requires a combination of the following:

  • Self-bandaging or compression wrapping
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Skin care
  • Low intensity exercises
  • Use of vasopneumatic pump
  • Fitting for compression garments

Please visit our Lymphedema Services page for additional information.

PORI (Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute) Head and Neck Cancer

PORI (Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute) Head and Neck Cancer treatment is crucial for patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and/or surgery. A PORi Head and Neck Cancer Certified therapist is trained in standardized assessment and treatment for breathing, swallowing, speech, voice, and cognitive changes before, during, and after cancer treatment. The goal of treatment is to prevent or lessen the severity of anticipated treatment-related problems that could lead to later disability, improving both physical and psychological health, and most important help you maintain your highest level of independence for activities of daily living. Shannon is currently the only entity within 100 miles that offers treatment with a PORi certified therapist.

Please visit our Shannon Oncological Speech Language Pathology Services page for additional information.

Vision Rehabilitation

Vision is important in completing daily activities safely and efficiently. Vision has a large role in many daily activities including: communication, environmental navigation, motor planning, and obstacle avoidance. With the help of our Certified Functional Vision Rehabilitation Specialist Shannon Neuro Rehab is equipped to provide vision rehabilitation to our community. Vision Rehabilitation can help those who struggle with dizziness, headaches, double-vision, blurriness with reading, and light sensitivity through exercises designed to address how the brain, eyes, balance, and sensory systems communicate.

Shannon Neuro Rehabilitation is the only program to offer vision rehabilitation in this region. The next closest vision therapy programs are found in metroplex areas such as Austin, DFW, and San Antonio.

For more information about our rehabilitation services, please contact us at 325.747.8025