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Neuro Rehab Community Classes

Functional Improvement Through Movement

Shannon Neuro Rehabilitation is now offering a fee-for-service, group exercise program hosted at our new facility.

Classes are one hour long, including warm up and cool down, and will focus on strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. Targeted age groups include, but are not limited to, any individuals 60 years or older. Workouts are designed and led by exercise specialists who work directly with a licensed physical therapist. Persons of all fitness and mobility levels are welcome. Our classes are tailored to meet participants at their current fitness/mobility level. This includes chair level classes for those who are reliant on wheelchair or limited walking mobility to high intensity classes for person who use an assistive device sparingly or no device.

This program is intended to help individuals optimally and actively age by maximizing ease with daily movement, promoting accountability, providing social opportunities, in addition to improving cardiovascular, pulmonary and bone health. We also offer classes specialized for individuals with neuro progressive disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease. Exercise provides brain protective benefits which can assist in slowing the
disease process.

Free-of-Charge Screening for Community Class

These screenings, completed by a licensed physical therapist, will determine which class best meets the participant's needs and identify any additional needs for skilled services prior to initiation of your first Community Fitness Program class. Screenings include:

  • Assessment of vitals (blood pressure and heart rate)
  • Strength Assessment
  • Balance/fall risk assessment

Screenings are held by appointment at 3501 Executive Dr.

For more information or to learn more about our services and class pricing, please call 325.747.8025.