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Oncological Speech Language Pathology Services

Shannon Neuro Rehab Clinic now offers Speech Language Pathology Services with a Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute (PORi) Head and Neck Cancer Certified therapist.

Do you or a loved one experience any of the following since being diagnosed with cancer?

  • Achiness, fullness, heaviness, stiffness, and/or swelling in head and/or neck
    • Discomfort when looking both ways while driving or crossing the street
  • Changes in memory
  • Changes in the sound of your voice
  • Choking or coughing during your meals
  • Difficulty with finding words
  • Difficulty with management of or questions regarding feeding tube
  • Difficulty of or questions regarding tracheostomy care
  • Feeling like food/drink “gets stuck” in your throat
  • Mental fog: feeling of mental dullness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Slurred speech: frequent requests to repeat what you said

When should you seek a referral?

As soon as you are diagnosed with head and neck cancer is ideal, but a Speech Therapist can help during any time throughout your oncological journey

Why Speech Therapy?

A speech therapist can help with establishing baseline measurements or changes in:

  • Cognition or thinking
  • Lymphedema
  • Speech quality
  • Swallowing
  • Voice

Why is it important to start speech therapy before starting treatment?

Prehab or skilled intervention prior to starting oncology treatment helps with optimizing function prior to:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation treatment
  • Surgery

Also helps with:

  • Decreasing frequency for return to ER visits
  • Decreasing length of hospital stays
  • Improving your overall functional recovery from cancer and oncological treatment