White Rose Support Group
Helping Families Who Have Lost Infants Through the Grieving Process
Your loss is unique, and so is the pain you experience. With early pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or newborn death comes feelings of helplessness, shock, numbness, and often low self-esteem and guilt.
Grief is a difficult and very personal journey. Although losses occur every year, yours is individual to you and your circumstances. It's important to make an effort to not compare your feelings of loss to the experiences of others.
Families who experience the death of a baby during pregnancy or shortly after birth grieve for their baby and the loss of a lifetime with their child.
Upcoming Events
The Annual "Walk to Remember" memorial walk is held the first Sunday of October. The Walk starts by the large pine tree at San Angelo City Part (corner of Twohig and Magdalen) and proceeds to the Baby's Rose Garden at the Shannon Women's & Children's building for a ceremony in honor of these special babies and families.
The Annual Candlelight Ceremony is held the first Sunday of December. The ceremony is held in the White Rose Garden, located at the Shannon Women's & Children's Hospital at 201 E. Harris Ave. Click this link for more information about the 2024 Candlelight Ceremony.
Letting Yourself Grieve
Grief is a normal process that continues far beyond the loss of your baby. Recognize that while multiple family members are grieving the same loss, no two individuals will grieve the same. Respect the differences in each other as you journey toward healing.
You may wonder if you are grieving "normally." There is no normal way to grieve. However, if you have concerns about how you are doing, there are many resources available, including the White Rose coordinator, chaplain, social worker, licensed professional counselors, physicians, and support groups, to name a few.
How Others Respond
After your loss, people may not know how to act around you. They may be fearful of saying something to upset you. Others may say things with good intent that end up hurting you. It helps to listen to the kindness they meant to share.
You may need to tell friends and family that it is OK for them to cry, and it's OK to say your baby's name and talk about him or her like any other child. You can tell them you will not feel hurt when they talk about your baby. Instead, they are bringing honor to you and the child you lost by talking about them.
Helping You Reach a New Normal
Most often, parents wonder, "When will I be normal again?" The death of a baby is not something you simply get over. With time and the support of others, you will find a new normal. You and your family will move forward, and you may someday welcome a new joy into your life, but you will forever hold in your heart the little one you lost — and that's perfectly OK.
Support & Resources
We hope the available materials will help you through this difficult time. We also understand cultural beliefs can vary. Please use this information in a way that fits with your beliefs and feels comfortable to you.
We are here for you. Please contact Robyn Tucker, White Rose Coordinator, at 325.747.6332.